+61 (0) 4 1925 5866 [email protected]

Life Changing Outcomes


Defining DatChem-Breast

  • DatChem-Breast is performed on women already booked for a breast MRI.
  • It adds 15 minutes to the MRI examination.
  • The chemical data is sent from the MRI for evaluation.
  • The report is returned to the MRI console and available for the reporting radiologist.

DatChem-Breast identifies signs of cancer up to to five years before it can be seen by imaging.

The Biology of Breast Cancer Development

Cancer is a genetic disease. Development and growth that drives the development of a cancer many years before cancer appears.

  • Once a cancer has started, it grows slowly
  • Cellular chemistry changes with each stage of development
  • Once it ceases to be normal, DatChem-Breast calls the tissue Switched On
  • When palpable, the tumor has been growing for 2 to 5 years.

Longitudinal Study of a High-Risk Patient with Dense Breast Tissue

DatChem-Breast identified severe chemical dysregulation in 2013, but the cancer was only diagnosed by MRI in June 2016.

November 2013

November 2014

April 2015

How DatChem-Breast works

DatChem-Breast assesses breast chemistry and identifies changes associated with a developing cancer before it can be seen by imaging

Provides a warning of dysregulation prior and:

  • Reveals varying degrees of chemical dysregulation showing how far its lipids and other molecules have deviated from normal
  • If the either of two tumor promoters (MMA or UDP) are present in the breast tissue.

See the Difference


Achieving Better Outcomes

Multiple DatChem-Breast scans will provide longitudinal risk assessment

After the first DatChem-Breast the patient is her own control

Breast cancer develops slowly over many years

Managed anxiety by revealing normal DatChem-Breast and use time and repeated testing